Food & Beverages
We are excited to present more than 30 of the best food vendors - offering a variety of fair food for our visitors! Whether you enjoy traditional fair snacks - like elephant ears, onion rings and cotton candy - or unique full flavored meals - like Philly Cheese Steaks or Smoked Pork Chops, the Miami County Fairgrounds is the place to eat!
Some of our vendors include:
4-H Food Stand aka “The Patio”
Junior Leaders Lemon Shake Up Stand
Lions Club Elephant Ears
Bens Pretzels
Rasmusson Tenderloins
Swine Barn Ice Cream Stand
Smoothies * Ice Cream * Snow Cones * Shakes * Floats * Funnel Cakes * Elephant Ears * Corn Dogs * Hot Dogs Deep Fried Pickles * Nachos * French Fries * Walking Tacos * Mexican Burritos * Philly Cheesesteak Sandwhiches * Kettle Corn
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